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LiquidPoop is dedicated to the love and celebration of diarrhea through rhyme. Our goal is to remove the shame and stigma of diarrhea forever.
Rhyme Diagnosis:
Constipation Diarrhea


When your at home and need a parp But when you do it feels sooo sharp Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by skiddy on 11/30/2000 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your sitting in the office and your Poop begins to feel the softest Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by hilly on 12/28/2000 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Here I SIT BROKEN HEARTED TRYED TO SHIT BUT ONLY FARTED Ten MINUTES LATER TOOK A CHANCE TRYED TO FART And SHIT MY PANTS Squeezed out by RHYME MASTER RICH on 03/10/2000 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you feel your stomach rumble It's poop that starts to tumble Diarrhea... ooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaa... diarrhea Squeezed out by Anniebonannie on 05/27/2001 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your Stomach reallly Hurts You're bound to get the SQUIRTZ! Diarrhea... squirt, squirt, squirt... diarrhea Squeezed out by Chingatch on 03/09/2000 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I get so hard in the Middle of the week Constipation.......Constipation... From Rod Stewart (infatuation) Squeezed out by Burger on 02/21/2000 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Diarrhea, diarrhea, what a crock! At least it don't come out in a block! Diarrhea...Dam, them corners hurt... diarrhea Squeezed out by watcho on 03/09/2000 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you constipated And your poop is out dated Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by me on 10/09/1999 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I haven't had it in weeks, I miss you diarrhea Why haven't you come? oh my.... Yeah! You're coming, woosh blub blub woosh Squeezed out by Diarrhea lovers Sam & Co on 12/23/1999 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your on the toilet squriten, And you know that you would rather be jerkin' Diarrhea Ahhhhhhhh... that's better Squeezed out by GOOSE on 02/29/2000 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you think its constipation You'll feel a funny sensation Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by slimy rama on 10/13/1999 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you've got a stuck poop and can't let out the goop Squeeze with might and hold on tight Diarrhea... it's comin'... diarrhea Squeezed out by a hole in the wall on 01/25/2000 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When straining on a heavy load Pop the cork, and then explode Diarrhea...Pop...Blurp... diarrhea Squeezed out by Hairy Ballerina on 10/29/1999 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Pack it up pack it in Don't let the crappin begin Binding Problems!! Squeezed out by Djbouti on 03/18/2001 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I love Diarrhea Because it's better than Constipation Squeezed out by Khan on 05/10/2001 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you constipated And your poop is out dated Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by me on 10/09/1999 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you push with all your might, But your ass is clenched to tight. Diarrhea... push...push... diarrhea. Squeezed out by Poopy Pants on 12/18/1999 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Strainin' and a-stressin' But my drawers I won't be messin' Constipation..It won't come out..constipation Squeezed out by Flatus Maximus on 05/24/2000 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your sittin on a log And you feel something clog Constipation... That hurts... Constipation Squeezed out by Gabe on 05/01/2000 Diagnosis is Constipation Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
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