The greatest diarrhea in the world.

Diarrhea Rhymes
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Welcome to LiquidPoop
LiquidPoop is dedicated to the love and celebration of diarrhea through rhyme. Our goal is to remove the shame and stigma of diarrhea forever.
 Rhyme Diagnosis: Nature Diarrhea

It's normal to get diarrhea
So don't be ashamed of it
Diarrhea, it's normal!

 Squeezed out by Subject:diarrhea on 01/11/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When you're sittin on the pot
And you feel somethin hot
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by poop! on 04/10/2001
 Diagnosis is Nature
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Whaen ur sittin in the dirt .....
N u feel a suddon squirt
Diarrhea...It aint ain poo .....

 Squeezed out by abby w on 02/27/2001
 Diagnosis is Nature
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Don't u hate it on the looie
When you've got a dangly pooie
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by matt/craig on 05/15/2001
 Diagnosis is Nature
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Hey guys, We got a game today, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
John Marinelli, cha cha cha, John Marinelli
Walk home on your hands!

 Squeezed out by Kolby on 01/09/2001
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When your climbing up a tree
And it trickles down your knee
Diarrhea, diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Jordan Pinto and Andy Birsan on 11/16/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When your walking in grass
Then there is something on your ass
Diarrhea... Whoops ... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by SHITHEAD on 12/23/1999
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When your playin with a beacon
And you feel somthing leakin
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by MOE on 06/12/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When you think that you are cute
But is your big brown poo
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Angel and Louie on 10/22/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When you're chopping down a tree
And the wrong side starts to pee
Diarrhea... Timber diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Darby O. on 02/15/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When you're sleeping in a tent
And you know there is no vent
And it sure doesn't smell like mint... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Pushin' It on 11/04/1999
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When your sittin in a bush ,
And you feel a little push,
Diarrhea... squish squish squish... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Alison & Sarah on 12/15/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When your'e playin in the snow
And ya feel a little blow
Diarrhea... can't just look for yellow snow any more... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by the paina on 11/26/1999
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When you're sittin in the snow
And it warms up down below
Diarrhea....Ah feels good....diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Clint Sheets on 12/05/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue,
Diarrhea is Brown, Stinky Poo
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by JAD BAD JAD BAD on 04/02/2001
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When your in the shower & you feel the power
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Kevin Martinez on 07/06/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When your in the car............
And you did it on your ma
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by melon on 05/14/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When you r playing in the bush
And you feel somthin squish
Diarrhea... on the flowers... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Webmasta2000 on 03/12/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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If you have a foot and you eat cheese
You don't have a head, i love god
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Yo yyO oyO on 03/25/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When you're petting a little doggie,
And your bathroom gets a little foggy
Diarrhea... Is it raining?... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Wean and Rocky on 04/17/2001
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When you're filling your depends
With the turd that never ends
Diarrhea... make it stop ... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Big Ol' Shiny Top on 05/19/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When you're squatting by a tree
And something squirts out but it's not pee
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by wry evan and lee on 09/09/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When your sittin in the grass,
And pee comes out your ass.
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by doll on 10/09/1999
 Diagnosis is Nature
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There are many colors of poop,
From each end of the spectrum.
They are all beautiful.

 Squeezed out by A Special Seat For Mikey on 02/18/2001
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When your takin a shit and the toilet paper is out i wont stay in fumes and vapors
Cause ass here comes my fingers!!!
Diarrhea... OUCH!!!!... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by coreyvdg@hotmail on 03/03/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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If a hapless creature has diarrhea in the woods
And no one is there to experience it,
Does it truly exist?

 Squeezed out by Gladys Flatus on 12/19/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When you're climbing a tree
And feel it trickling down your knee
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Ewan on 11/28/1999
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When you walking in the jungle
And you feel your stomach rumble
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Skid Mark on 05/24/2001
 Diagnosis is Nature
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Pirate poop sure is surly.
"Yarrrh matey," it has been known to say.
And to that I say agg.

 Squeezed out by A Special Seat For Mikey on 03/20/2001
 Diagnosis is Nature
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I you think your rather posh
Loo roll will muffle the splosh
Diarrhea... but it's only natural... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by sloppy sue on 11/16/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When you're gonna take a crap
And you have to look at a map
Diarrhea... Oops! wrong way... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by trav on 06/03/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When you see a pretty bird
And your ass takes a turd
Diaharrea....Tweet tweet.....diaharrea

 Squeezed out by Jenn Seidenzahl on 02/19/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When you're squatting by a tree
And something squirts out but it's not pee
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by wry evan and lee on 09/09/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When your talking to Lucy
And you smell unwanted sushi
Diarrhea... ching chong bing... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by wean and rocky on 04/17/2001
 Diagnosis is Nature
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When your walking in the park
And you find a hugh skid mark
Diarrhea...Wipe your ass......Diarrhea

 Squeezed out by miscellaneous on 02/24/2000
 Diagnosis is Nature
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Copyright, All Rights Reserved. For a limited time only. Not valid where you live. I have a chicklet toenail. So then the nun says, 'Pass the avacado.' Ken helped.