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LiquidPoop is dedicated to the love and celebration of diarrhea through rhyme. Our goal is to remove the shame and stigma of diarrhea forever.
Rhyme Diagnosis:
Family Diarrhea


When your family sits at dinner And you let out a winner Diarrhea... change your pants... diarrhea Squeezed out by Gigi the Wonderslug (though I am ashamed to admit it) on 01/08/2000 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Mom said, "When putting your drawers on, Dear, Remember it's yellow to the front and brown to the rear" Diarrhea... Mom knows best...diarrhea Squeezed out by Flatus Maximus on 05/25/2000 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your with your mom And you say come on. Diarrhea... come on mom diarrhea Squeezed out by Mrs.cheese on 11/02/1999 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Hey Hows it going Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by max on 10/26/1999 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
On my moms nice red mat, I dropped a chocolate pat. Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by Poopy Pants on 12/17/1999 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're on the way home And your car begins to foam Diarrhea... pull over... diarrhea Squeezed out by Amanda Hug N' Kiss on 01/22/2000 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're beating up your brother And his ass blows it's cover Diarrhea... smack smack... diarrhea Squeezed out by ucscbiotch on 10/13/1999 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your taking out the trash And you feel something splash Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by WEENIE on 12/31/1999 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I like to make poop in my spare time It makes me happy As well as others Squeezed out by aaa Big Lurpy Bastard aaa on 04/13/2001 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
My Mommy is poo My Daddy is water Together they made me, diarrhea Squeezed out by Me+Little sis on 01/19/2000 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Cookie Monster ate the whole jar But he couldn't make it very far Without spraying the street with his "tar" Squeezed out by Gigi the Cookieslug on 01/08/2000 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Auntie Rose's squirts are lame Uncle Dicky gets the blame Diarrhea... shame, shame... diarrhea Squeezed out by Ballerina on 10/19/1999 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When grandbaby takes a poo And it runs down through her shoe Diarrhea... change of clothes... diarrhea Squeezed out by Granny on 03/22/2000 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your sister has the flu In the toilet there's beef stew Diarrhea... Stay home from school.. diarrhea Squeezed out by Bacon Face on 02/15/2000 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're drinking beer with your dad And the beer gets kinda mad Diarrhea... Old Style... diarrhea Squeezed out by K-barn on 10/16/1999 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Hola chavalin Hola Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by carred@mixmail.com on 05/21/2001 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When Kevin has to go poopy He lifts his leg like Snoopy Diarrhea..In the house...Diarrhea Squeezed out by Kevin's Stepdad on 11/17/1999 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your baby's diaper's off And it comes out when she coughs Diarrhea... dirty sheets... diarrhea Squeezed out by ONE on 03/22/2000 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
My child. I have wept with anticipation for this moment. Only to say goodbye, my little, my little, my little Diarrhea. Squeezed out by Geoff Brady on 05/10/2001 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When Denny has to cuh-cuh The sound it makes is puh-puh Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by Denny's Uncle on 11/17/1999 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Twas brillig and the slithy toves Blah blah blah blah blah diarrhea Snorkle fart fork feth ma. Squeezed out by Peepoopaa. on 01/11/2000 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When it makes skids It reminds me of little kids Diarrhea... wipe your bottom!... diarrhea Squeezed out by brayita on 01/22/2000 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
If your wife is really bossy Put some ex-lax in her coffee Diarrhea... quit your bitchin'... diarrhea Squeezed out by G. Love on 05/25/2001 Diagnosis is Family Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Copyright LiquidPoop.com, All Rights Reserved. For a limited time only. Not valid where you live. I have a chicklet toenail. So then the nun says, 'Pass the avacado.' Ken helped.