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LiquidPoop is dedicated to the love and celebration of diarrhea through rhyme. Our goal is to remove the shame and stigma of diarrhea forever.
Rhyme Diagnosis:
Musical Diarrhea


Here I sit empty hearted trying to shit but only farted. Then one day i took my chance tried to fart but shit my pants. Amen!!!!! Squeezed out by Samurai of Savings on 02/15/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
One diarrhea, two diarrhea, three diarrhea, four. Five diarrhea, six diarrhea, seven diarrhea, more! Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by Gigi the Wonderslug on 01/11/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your playing the trumpet Dont wait to dumpit Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by bluemoon on 09/27/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your on the couch and u feel somthing smoodg and gooze U fianlly now it has oozed Diarrhea... like it plz damnit... diarrhea Squeezed out by devin on 03/03/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're climbing up a ladder And you hear a little splatter Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by litlstarfish@go.com on 09/23/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Crap in the place where you live Crap in the place where you work Crap,Crap,Crap Squeezed out by Zach Bartylla on 01/20/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
The day it really hurt it came out in a blurt O look it was britneyspears Diarrhea... oops i did it again ... diarrhea Squeezed out by britney's worst nightmare on 12/01/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I'm a big kid look what I can do! I can make a big doo-doo! I can squish it all around! Mommy, wow! I'm a big kid now! Squeezed out by Leanen Sidhe on 11/25/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're singing "In the Navy" And your ass is shooting gravy Diarrhea... ma-cho man ... diarrhea Squeezed out by Craptain Hook on 05/19/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're doin a funky dance And juice squirts out your pants Diarrhea...Splish splash... diarrhea Squeezed out by Antigravity8 and Britlover591 on 03/18/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When i watch musicals I imagine that the notes the performers sing Are actually invisible liquid poops Squeezed out by christopher on 02/13/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your dancin' with the band And they can smell it in the stands Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by e.thaxon on 09/26/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Sitting with my gutters They're on toppa my house I am a tingle-bomber, la la la I'm an ostrich. Woo hoo. Squeezed out by Cow Boa on 02/12/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I feel like a horse When my voice becomes coarse I eat skittles poop poop poop I eat skittles Squeezed out by Cow Boa on 02/12/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I'm Slim Shady, yes I'm the real shady, all you other Slim Shadys are just imitating So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up, please stand up
Squeezed out by Mikey D A.K.A. Dillio on 04/29/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're listening to Hanson And you're shittin' with your pants on Diarrhea... mmmmmm-bop... diarrhea Squeezed out by jonowolf on 02/13/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're listining to KoRn When a brand new squirt is born Diarrhea..."All I want in life is to be happy"... diarrhea Squeezed out by Jesse Galloway on 03/01/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Hey, You!...Don't be ashamed!....you have diarrhe-a...there's no one to bla-a-ame! Remember, whatever's i-i-in your co-lon, let it all out.. and you'll feel Better, Better, BETter, BETTER......OOH! Yeah! Poo.. Poo.. Poo.. Poo!, Poo!, Poo!..Poo, poo, poo, poo-it's you! (Thanks, "Fab Four!") Squeezed out by Gladys Flatus on 06/18/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you listen to NSYNC An you feel something sink Diarrhea... bye bye bye... diarrhea Squeezed out by otown's #1fan on 11/30/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
"It's a nice day for a dia-rrhea" " It really is even though I don't wanna see ya" Diarrhea..Thats it alright..diarrhea Squeezed out by Oily and Boily on 03/18/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Yo Yo Yo when I'm busting a rhyme And I feel that icky slime Diarrhea... ewwww gross... diarrhea Squeezed out by Bob Steve on 02/25/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your marching on a field And you feel something Ewww!! Diarrhea... MArk time... diarrhea Squeezed out by Donny P on 10/04/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're gettin jiggy wit it And your ass says "holy shit!!!" Diarrhea... big willie style... diarrhea Squeezed out by Janette on 09/21/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you've had too many prunes And your butt is singing tunes Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by Prune Squatter on 06/06/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
The Smiths are a good band I listen to "Hand in Glove" You'll rate this badly.... yes you will.... you'll rate this badly Squeezed out by Cow Boa on 02/16/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your playing your flute And you feel something shoot Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by Juvinile4@Hotmail.com on 09/21/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Jingle bell Jingle bell Jingle bell rock jingle bells Are in my poop Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by JOSH HILL on 12/26/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Carly Jean C. shi*s her pants, ha ha ha She smells like ass wipe ,ha ha ha she needs to hop in the shower because face it girl YOU STANK, like................ Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by unknown on 07/16/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're listening to Phish And your ass goes squish Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by birdman of "255" on 10/06/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
This site is nice Some times I roll my dice Diarrhea poop dung poop DIARRHEA Squeezed out by Cow Boa on 02/12/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Diarrhea diarrhea some people think its funny but its really really runny Diarrhea diarrhea some people think its soup but its really really poop Diarrhea diarrhea Squeezed out by kim on 05/15/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Telephone rings On its fingers Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by Cow Boa on 02/12/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your singing bjork And you smell rotten pork Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by a dumb whore(amanda) on 12/26/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you are playing with a flute And your butt decides to shoot Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by HaRdCoRe92386 on 05/17/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're feelin kinda frisky And your butt is whistlin' dixie Diarrhea...Minnie Pearl...diarrhea Squeezed out by twosickchicks on 12/14/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When I scrunch up my nose at the smell of your toes, that's Aroma! When I quickly depart at the sound of your fart, that's Aroma! (Sung to the tune of "That's Amore") Squeezed out by Just back from Italy on 11/01/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your listening to KoRn When a brand new squirt is born Diarrhea... KoRn in your crap... diarrhea Squeezed out by Jonathan Davis, Munky, Head and Fieldy on 03/02/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Sprayin off tha dock of tha bay Watchin my liquid turds float away Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by Sir Fartsalot on 05/30/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Give me a 5 or i'll poop And it WILL smell You have my word bitch Squeezed out by The Threat (Detlef) on 04/23/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Row row row your butt Gently down the stream Diarrhea, diarrhea, makes me want to scream. Squeezed out by Gigi the Wonderslug on 01/11/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your ass makes a strange noise Then you relize its the backstreet boys Bsb sux....backstreet boys....bsb sux Squeezed out by jack da brat on 08/08/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Diarrhea is when you poo and pee Through the same hole, you see Diarrhea...Coming out of me...diarrhea Squeezed out by Me+Little Sis on 01/19/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Mama-Mia, papa-pia, jonny had some diarrhea Mama said it wouldn't hurt, so he had it for dessert
Squeezed out by Stan the Man on 04/25/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you love to sing and you feel a little ting Sing pretty or it will get shitty Diarrhea... me fa so la ti da... diarrhea Squeezed out by brayita on 01/22/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're eating cotton candy, And you splat on Mandy Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by Wean and Rocky on 04/17/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you hear Lenny Kravitz And your butt goes "Blabitz!" Diarrhea... american woman... diarrhea Squeezed out by Sscott Chad on 11/29/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Oops I farted a match and I burnt off my ass And I got lost in the smell! Oh baby baby! Oops it's big Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by Seth on 05/18/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're practicing the tuba And your reer goes hooba booba Diarrhea... honk, honk... diarrhea Squeezed out by st3 on 09/07/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're playing the big drum And you give a big DUM-DUM Diarrhea... party on... diarrhea Squeezed out by Pushin' It on 11/04/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
It fell down down down, from the burning ring of fire It fell down down down and the fumes rose higher And it BURNS BURNS BURNS ... the ring of fire... the ring of fire Squeezed out by Johnny Crass on 05/28/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your talking to Rocky And you smell something clonky Diarrhea... was that you... diarrhea Squeezed out by j.s on 04/17/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your sweetie squeezes ur tush, And nothin comes out but mush Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by Michelle and Karly on 07/28/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When ur climbin up a tree And it trickles down ur knee Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by Michelle and Karly on 07/28/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Ooh, that shit's so scandalous, you know another ass couldn't handle it Now you're shaking your ass like you gotta shit, your diarreah is going 'loca' Diarrhea... by the truck, truck, truck... diarrhea Squeezed out by ANNIE! on 05/04/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're listening to Joe, And you think it's gonna snow Diarrhea... what's the forcast?... diarrhea Squeezed out by Wean and Rocky on 04/17/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Ray's listening to Christopher Cross His butt decided to show him who's boss Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by Leah C. on 02/04/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're listening to Nelly And you smell something smelly Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by rocky on 04/16/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your drivin' in a chevy And you feel something heavy Diarrhea... vroom vroom... diarrhea Squeezed out by neassv on 09/23/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When listening to Rap And ya gotta take a crap Diarrhea..Yo bitch...diarrhea Squeezed out by Flatus Maximus on 05/24/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Living the Vida Loca, I shit some squishy Caca, Diarrhea... squirt squirt squirt... diarrhea Squeezed out by BudLizardLouie@aol.com on 09/18/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When uve got gas, stick it up ur ass. And when u gotta go, step on sumones toe. Ass... cha cha cha...toe Squeezed out by jessica29007 on 05/24/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Is that a trumpet blaring Or my colon merely clearing? Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by Mr Xyzzy on 01/24/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Diarrhea, diarrhea Heeey diarrhea
Squeezed out by God Shamgod on 05/24/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you listen to your speakers And you feel a little creeper Diarrhea... surprise... diarrhea Squeezed out by I Like To Poop Alot on 11/02/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Tiny bubbles...in your guts...then you fa-art...and soil your nuts... Tiny bubbles...gave you the ru-uns!..With a feeling that your going shit for a long, long time! Diarrhea... vive Don Ho... diarrhea Squeezed out by Gladys Flatus on 07/14/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I like the way your sparklin' earrings lay, against your skin so brown Hey! Why is your skin so brown?! Oh, shit! Diarrhea...The Eagles are gonna kill me... diarrhea Squeezed out by watcho on 02/18/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Rock star poop is very fine poop indeed. It can play the miniature electric sitar. I'm just gonna keep rockin and rollin. Squeezed out by A Special Seat for Mikey on 04/20/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Not everyone knows About liquidpoop Dot com Squeezed out by christopher on 02/26/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
If your practicing your Drill And you feel something Spill Diarrhea... Heel Toe... diarrhea Squeezed out by Donny P on 10/04/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I hate crap, crap hates Let's all go and crap on Barney Diarrhea...With a big crap right over his head...Diarrhea ... diarrhea Squeezed out by Crapacheno on 06/21/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're listening to Nelly And oyu smell somehting smelly Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by rocky on 04/16/2001 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Hey Hey, My My..Don't look now , you've got some E-Coli Take some Immodium or you're gonna die.. Diarrhea...Hey Hey, My My! (apologies to Neil Young) Squeezed out by Flatus Maximus on 06/01/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Do you have the time To listen to me release slime Diarrhea... green day... diarrhea Squeezed out by Poo Yah! on 03/12/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When your'e eating masala dosa And you feel it gettin closer Diarrhea... BAAN CHOD... diarrhea Squeezed out by TONE CAPONE on 04/06/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Oops I did it again. I play with my poop. Got lost in the pain. Oh baby baby! Oops I crapped in my pants. Got sent from a buttttttttt!! I'm just that Constipated!!!!!! Squeezed out by Crapacheno on 06/21/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you're listening to N'Sync And something starts to stink It's Diarrhea... or is it Pink... diarrhea Squeezed out by GHETTO SAM on 08/20/2000 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When the guard is spinning Flag And they all feel something Sag Diarrhea... Drop Spin... diarrhea Squeezed out by Donny P on 10/04/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you play percussion And you feel something mushin Diarrhea... bangbangbang... diarrhea Squeezed out by angel320@hotmail.com on 09/28/1999 Diagnosis is Musical Rating:     | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Copyright LiquidPoop.com, All Rights Reserved. For a limited time only. Not valid where you live. I have a chicklet toenail. So then the nun says, 'Pass the avacado.' Ken helped.