The greatest diarrhea in the world.

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Welcome to LiquidPoop
LiquidPoop is dedicated to the love and celebration of diarrhea through rhyme. Our goal is to remove the shame and stigma of diarrhea forever.
 Rhyme Diagnosis: Religion Diarrhea

Holy Crap!
I contain the aforementioned crap.
I am holy.

 Squeezed out by A Special Seat For Mikey on 03/20/2001
 Diagnosis is Religion
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When its come to judgement day
And the devils gotta pay
Diarrhea... holy shit... diarrhea...take that satin

 Squeezed out by ernest hemmingway on 08/22/2000
 Diagnosis is Religion
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I was climbing up the steeple
When it leaked out on the people
Diarrhea... No church today... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Crystal on 03/07/2000
 Diagnosis is Religion
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Moses played a trick on Pharoh
Made him shit some greasy sparrows
Diarrhea... omitted by scholars... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by on 05/22/2000
 Diagnosis is Religion
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When your siting in a pew
And your ass starts to spew
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by biff on 02/15/2000
 Diagnosis is Religion
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I will devour your soul,
I am evil made flesh,
The sulfurous pits of hell await you.

 Squeezed out by A Special Seat For Mikey on 02/08/2001
 Diagnosis is Religion
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Wet shit, ran out of paper
Hiked up my drawers
Lightning stripes later

 Squeezed out by Pooey Bookends on 11/21/2000
 Diagnosis is Religion
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When you look to pass the plate
Your dry undies meet their fate
Diarrhea... Praise the Lord!... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by runny stools on 03/02/2000
 Diagnosis is Religion
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When you think of Jerry Falwell,
Then your colon pays a call, well
Burn in Hell (pass the matches)... diarrhea!

 Squeezed out by runny stools on 03/03/2000
 Diagnosis is Religion
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In church by tha preacher
You hear a giant screecher
Diarrhea... 3:16.. diarrhea

 Squeezed out by jeff&ram; on 02/19/2000
 Diagnosis is Religion
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I cry when I ejaculate
Because the shame is so intense
My uncle molests me

 Squeezed out by A Special Seat For Mikey on 02/03/2001
 Diagnosis is Religion
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Something's slimey on the pew
And the preacher shouts "Pee-Yew"!
Diarrhea... sweet be Jesus... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by runny stools on 03/02/2000
 Diagnosis is Religion
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Tu pac shakur
A crap on my face

 Squeezed out by christopher on 02/27/2001
 Diagnosis is Religion
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Poop exists in solid, liquid and gaseous states.
My poop, however, comes out as a plasma
My name is god

 Squeezed out by A Special Seat for Mikey on 02/21/2001
 Diagnosis is Religion
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I was listen to the sermin
And i felta sudden burning
Diarrhea... hurry up... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Amber on 12/26/1999
 Diagnosis is Religion
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When you're Evangelical scum
And something flys out your bum
Diarrhea... Evangelics suck ... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Vegetable Garden Head on 01/22/2000
 Diagnosis is Religion
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When you're sitting there at church
And you have to do a toilet search
Diarrhea... say a little prayer... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by someone headed to church rather concerned on 11/19/2000
 Diagnosis is Religion
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Father says a good Confession
Does not include a fecal expression
Diarrhea... Pray for Me... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Deena Lou Dookie on 11/25/2000
 Diagnosis is Religion
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I see a category for terrorist diarrhea
But i cannot imagine evil poop
For it is all good, from God's to the bubbling chuncky paste of Satan himself.

 Squeezed out by briteboy4 on 03/22/2001
 Diagnosis is Religion
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That rancid, putrid smell
Makes you think you were in hell
Diarrhea... Save me, Jesus...... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Flatus Maximus on 05/26/2000
 Diagnosis is Religion
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When you're praying in a pew
And you have to make a poo
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by shitforbrains on 10/12/1999
 Diagnosis is Religion
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Copyright, All Rights Reserved. For a limited time only. Not valid where you live. I have a chicklet toenail. So then the nun says, 'Pass the avacado.' Ken helped.