The greatest diarrhea in the world.

Diarrhea Rhymes
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Welcome to LiquidPoop
LiquidPoop is dedicated to the love and celebration of diarrhea through rhyme. Our goal is to remove the shame and stigma of diarrhea forever.
 Rhyme Diagnosis: Medical Diarrhea

You're in a hospital gown
When suddenly "CODE BROWN"!
Diarrhea... call the nurse...diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Flatus Maximus on 05/25/2000
 Diagnosis is Medical
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No toilet paper to be found
Could that be why my hands are brown?
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by _twizted_clown_ on 10/29/2000
 Diagnosis is Medical
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When you are ready to extubate
But feel that rectal bag vibrate
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Anne on 04/07/2000
 Diagnosis is Medical
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When you get so scared about your vasectomy,
You smell all the way to Schenectady.
Diarrhea... Union College... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Ronnie on 01/13/2000
 Diagnosis is Medical
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When you're taking quinidine
And you can't get off of the latrine
Diarrhea... side effects!... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by St3 on 10/20/1999
 Diagnosis is Medical
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When your undies start to fill
You run for the Amodium AD pill
Diarrhea..Take YOUR MEDS... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by pookey on 11/03/1999
 Diagnosis is Medical
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The doctor asked me for a shit sample one day
How am I going to fit it all by half way?
Diarrhea...Spilling over... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Allen & Nick on 12/23/1999
 Diagnosis is Medical
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If she smells my diarrhea log
The result might be pibloktog
Diarrhea... Eskimo pie! ... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by St3 on 04/03/2000
 Diagnosis is Medical
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When your in the ER, And your pants fill with Tar. You know it's comming stat, It's chunky and fat,
My but cheeks are in the rubs, Oh dear, i just ruined my Scrubs. DIARRHEA!!
Diarrhea... i need a doctor... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Crappy Nurse on 03/11/2001
 Diagnosis is Medical
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Pepto Bismol just don't work
And you wish you had a cork
Diarrhea... up my ass!!... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by DHARMA on 03/13/2000
 Diagnosis is Medical
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When the cramps bring you to your knees,
And it squirts out when you sneeze,
Diarrhea... stomach-flu poo... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by JULBIRD on 03/15/2000
 Diagnosis is Medical
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When you get a pap-smear
And liquid shoots out your rear...
Diarrhea... poor doc...diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Bonz on 10/26/1999
 Diagnosis is Medical
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Doctors treat it.
Nurses eat it.
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Lucy Bowels on 03/09/2001
 Diagnosis is Medical
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When there's pollups on your colon
And your bowel's bloody and swollen,
Diarrhea... gush gush gush... diarrhea... gush gush gush

 Squeezed out by Cheryl R. on 12/07/1999
 Diagnosis is Medical
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Copyright, All Rights Reserved. For a limited time only. Not valid where you live. I have a chicklet toenail. So then the nun says, 'Pass the avacado.' Ken helped.