The greatest diarrhea in the world.

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Welcome to LiquidPoop
LiquidPoop is dedicated to the love and celebration of diarrhea through rhyme. Our goal is to remove the shame and stigma of diarrhea forever.
 Rhyme Diagnosis: Literature Diarrhea

A hot smelly
Diarrhea has no place in
A library

 Squeezed out by christopher on 03/09/2001
 Diagnosis is Literature
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Harry Potter fought his foes
And suffered the runs' awful blows
Diarrhea... children's books!... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Gigi the Wonderslug on 01/08/2000
 Diagnosis is Literature
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Oh, the noises a butt can make....
When it decides to make a "Shit-shake"
Diarrhea..."Ode to the wonder of the Buttocks"

 Squeezed out by The Fat Ass on 10/27/1999
 Diagnosis is Literature
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Benvolio: "Supper is done and we shall be too late"
Romeo: O I fear, too early, for my stomach misgives some diarrhea yet hanging on my ass, Shall bitterly embarass me, and run down my tights all down my leg
Diarrhea..." On Lusty Gentleman"... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Los pantalones quemados on 12/16/2000
 Diagnosis is Literature
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Too many poops all in one place.
That is a faulty statement.
You can never have too many poops all in one place.

 Squeezed out by A Special Seat For Mikey on 03/20/2001
 Diagnosis is Literature
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Rosencrantz had to learn,
Not to spray Guildenstern.
Diarrhea... to wit... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Ronnie on 01/06/2000
 Diagnosis is Literature
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Raskolnikov committed the perfect crime
When he splattered the bathroom stall with slime
Diarrhea... Dostoeyevsky... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Gigi the Wonderslug on 01/08/2000
 Diagnosis is Literature
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Snarled is one way to describe a poop.
Other ways include discolored, messy, smelly, eclectic, and fun.
Use these adjectives when ever you describe poop to your friends.

 Squeezed out by A Special Seat For Mikey on 03/20/2001
 Diagnosis is Literature
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It was only Howard Roark
Who when sick shat out a spork
When he had diarrhea.. la la la... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Gigi the Wonderslug on 01/08/2000
 Diagnosis is Literature
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Shakespeare used a quill to write "KING LEAR"
And goose feathers for his...
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Sir Fartsalot on 05/30/2000
 Diagnosis is Literature
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Romeo dumped Juliet
When her backside got brown and wet
Diarrhea... Parting is such sweet sorrow... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Gigi the Wonderslug on 01/08/2000
 Diagnosis is Literature
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Trying to impress Daisy
But His Bowels are Feelin' Lazy
Diarrhea... The Great Gatsby.... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Lucie "Luce" Bowles on 03/04/2001
 Diagnosis is Literature
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A toy maker made a toy wife and a toy child. He made a toy house and some toy years.
He made a getting-old toy, and he made a dying toy. The toy-maker made a toy heaven and a toy god. But most of all, he liked making toy shit.
Russell Edson 1973 from "The Childhood of an Equestrian"

 Squeezed out by Ronnie on 01/21/2000
 Diagnosis is Literature
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When heading out to scout some bucks
And you shit all in the truck
Diarrhea... Ah shit! ... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Anal Invader on 03/03/2000
 Diagnosis is Literature
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I was reading 'Gunga Din'
And I could'nt keep it in
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by zymeck on 01/15/2000
 Diagnosis is Literature
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When you really got to go
And it comes out in a chuncky flow
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by the guy behind you on 06/29/2000
 Diagnosis is Literature
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Copyright, All Rights Reserved. For a limited time only. Not valid where you live. I have a chicklet toenail. So then the nun says, 'Pass the avacado.' Ken helped.