The greatest diarrhea in the world.

Diarrhea Rhymes
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Welcome to LiquidPoop
LiquidPoop is dedicated to the love and celebration of diarrhea through rhyme. Our goal is to remove the shame and stigma of diarrhea forever.
 Rhyme Diagnosis: Horror Diarrhea

Diarrhea... I'M AFRAID OF diarrhea

 Squeezed out by BUBBLEBEAM on 02/27/2000
 Diagnosis is Horror
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Oops im constipated
I have big shit its stuck in my ass
Oh baby baby

 Squeezed out by britney spears is constipated on 05/28/2000
 Diagnosis is Horror
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I put my rectum in a time capsule
And future people opened it in the year 2100
It shot diarrhea all over the future people

 Squeezed out by A Special Seat for Mikey on 02/08/2001
 Diagnosis is Horror
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When your in the shower
And you feel atomic power
Diarrhea !!KABOOM!! diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Neil on 03/12/2000
 Diagnosis is Horror
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When you're playing with a Ouija
And your bum may need a squeegie
Diarrhea... don't play with those things alone!... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Gigi the W.S. on 01/08/2000
 Diagnosis is Horror
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Lots of things scare me
But diarrhea frightens me most
Please don't let the diarrhea find me

 Squeezed out by A Special Seat for Mikey on 02/08/2001
 Diagnosis is Horror
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When your beein' chased by a prowler
And you rip a big old growler
Diarrhea... scared him away... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by rpgchic05 on 03/14/2001
 Diagnosis is Horror
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When your talking to Locky...
And you feel something Rocky...
Diarrhea... dah dah dah... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by mike smellivan on 04/17/2001
 Diagnosis is Horror
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Scream 3 was a gas
But what came out wasn't
Diarrhea...Courtney sux!...Diarreah

 Squeezed out by Katrina on 05/05/2001
 Diagnosis is Horror
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When you hear a scream
You cream out crud
Diarrhea... ahhhhhh... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by on 04/26/2001
 Diagnosis is Horror
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When Dracula is chasing you in the dark
And your backside starts to bark
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Gigi the Wonderslug on 01/08/2000
 Diagnosis is Horror
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It was a dark and stormy bowels were bound up I thought that I would eat some prunes..and hope there'd be some action soon..
The lightening flashed..the thunder rolled..and all the lights went out..So terrified and spooked was I
My ass began to spout!!

 Squeezed out by Flatus Maximus on 06/24/2000
 Diagnosis is Horror
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When you hear a late night thud
And you ass starts to spout mud
Diarrhea... an intuder... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Big Poppa Dump on 05/26/2000
 Diagnosis is Horror
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When you're lying scared in your bed
And a ghost craps on your head
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by Gigi the Wonderslug on 01/08/2000
 Diagnosis is Horror
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When ur on america online
And ur butt starts to un wine. . splater splater
With a toot toot there and a toot toot here there a toot hear a toot every where a toot toot. . cha cha hca

 Squeezed out by GREAT HOCKEY PLAYER on 07/19/2000
 Diagnosis is Horror
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Ghost poop is frightening.
It sends chills up my spine.
It arouses me immensely.

 Squeezed out by A Special Seat for Mikey on 04/11/2001
 Diagnosis is Horror
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When your driving around with ray
And you taste a big spray
Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea

 Squeezed out by by the "THE GAS BROTHERS" (Jamie and Christopher) on 12/23/2000
 Diagnosis is Horror
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Copyright, All Rights Reserved. For a limited time only. Not valid where you live. I have a chicklet toenail. So then the nun says, 'Pass the avacado.' Ken helped.