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LiquidPoop is dedicated to the love and celebration of diarrhea through rhyme. Our goal is to remove the shame and stigma of diarrhea forever.
Rhyme Diagnosis:
Haiku Diarrhea
The smell was noisome, The acrid waft filled the room, Pants were bespeckled. Squeezed out by Ronnie on 09/19/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
It is not a fart My ass releases liquid Down my leg it runs Squeezed out by LudiCHRIST on 09/29/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
It Looks like urine Yet it seems to have come from My ass. It is shiss...... Squeezed out by Andrew B. Sachs on 11/05/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Oh wanton feces! Why do you forsaketh me? Vacate yon rectum! Squeezed out by el loco carlos on 02/15/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I ate diarrhea once It made my stomach hurt bad Diarrhea... cha cha cha... diarrhea Squeezed out by Jason Stevens Clutchacc%2540aol.com on 05/02/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Thought I had to fart But I gambled and I lost I need some Depends Squeezed out by Flatus Maximus on 05/24/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
My poo is cocoa Enriched with vitamin C Won't you drink of me? Squeezed out by me_at@hotmail.com on 12/12/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
This is our haiku The poopy makes a splatter That was our haiku Squeezed out by the poopy 2 on 10/10/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Mustard brown manna There is no real reminder Other than the rash Squeezed out by abnormal_99 on 05/02/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Mushy brownish paste Oozing like choco-lava Diarrhea's nice Squeezed out by XIII club on 02/26/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
See the liquid poo Down your leg it run so free And stink up your shoe Squeezed out by I Like To Poop Alot on 11/02/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
As I wandered lone, Through life, sad; I once smiled wide The rank warmth spreadith. Squeezed out by Ronnie on 09/07/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I drank hot cider I opened my throat and chugged Then my colon opened Squeezed out by #39 on 09/17/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
This Shit Is No Joke Get Out OF Me Or I Die No Mercy For My Boo-tie Squeezed out by Shit Head #1 on 07/06/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
When you really gotta' crap And it comes out in a splat Diarrhea... all over your cat... diarrhea Squeezed out by Women_by_the_tons_2000 on 06/29/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Mocking! Was the pain My intestines fought and railed, Escape was relief. Squeezed out by Ronnie on 09/07/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I'm on the toilet My poop came out like lightning Now my anus burns Squeezed out by Median Strip on 02/14/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Cloudy brown water The poo comes alive when flushed How pretty they dance Squeezed out by Poo Yah! on 01/25/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Brown stream of refuse The feeling when you exit Heaven in a bowl Squeezed out by a sick inkan on 10/08/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Diarrhea Day Diarrhea Week, Month, Year Diarrhea Life Squeezed out by Andrew Sachs on 09/16/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Life is liquid shit Striking harshly on my floor Brown river flows on Squeezed out by me_at@hotmail.com on 12/12/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Sweat drips off my face, all is quiet; Plop! Sighing in relief, I pull the lever. Squeezed out by TeaM GiMP on 02/16/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
The white sun shown down, Last night's droll colorful feast. Reduced to brown sludge. Squeezed out by Ronnie on 03/16/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I thought i loved her But it was only bad gas And shorts full of crap Squeezed out by Wonko the Sane on 02/14/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Colon fought bravely, But soupy victory was, The lone solution. Squeezed out by Ronnie on 09/07/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Where are my socks at, I cannot seem to find them, Perhaps you have them? Squeezed out by A Special Seat For Mikey on 02/07/2001 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Everyone grimmaced, Foul echoes from the toilet. They are hypocrites. Squeezed out by Ronnie on 01/06/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Fresh lotus blossom Two stags pause on the hilltop Liquid stream of shit Squeezed out by Mike Gibson on 09/17/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Poo is very fun I eat it with a nice bun Yum yum poo is fun Squeezed out by Me+LittleSis on 05/01/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I gave it to you, You turned, then gave it away. The stomach virus. Squeezed out by Ronnie on 09/26/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
We are both poopy One hates melissa joan hart Diarrhea. splat. splat. splat. Squeezed out by the poopy 2 on 10/10/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
A Black Lonely Turd. Circling In The Toilet. Bumble Bee With Corn. Squeezed out by Kevro on 02/29/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Enlightened sphincter Releasing sweet, brown manna Into your trousers Squeezed out by abnormal_99 on 12/28/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
To poop? Or not to poop. That is,...the question. Squeezed out by TeaM GiMP on 02/15/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Ade and Cindy know The best things in life are free Steaming bowls of turds Squeezed out by Ueberfrau on 03/08/2001 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
My first sushi lunch. Pretty, fishy, exotic. Cramps, then explosion. Squeezed out by C.D. on 11/27/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Franks and beans leave me In anal desperation.
Squeezed out by nicholas on 09/15/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Burning stream of shit My asshole hates but loves you I am a sick pig Squeezed out by a sick inkan on 10/08/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
I love to smell poo I draw a poo crayoned pictures No poo on the thumb Squeezed out by christopher van christopher on 10/06/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Dampish,Dank and dark Its bite is worse than its bark Daubing gently at my crack Squeezed out by watcho on 02/18/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Distant thunder calls The heavens cry for release Poo-Poo hits the bowl Squeezed out by Michael Zwirn on 09/17/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Chaos from within. I sweat, moan, and struggle here. It will not leave me. Squeezed out by Ueberfrau on 05/25/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Feel the liquid rush Squeeze your asshole together Still can't stop the flow Squeezed out by Eric Weinrib on 10/06/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Horrible Pressure Splash-Back Inevitable Dark-Brown Miscarriage Squeezed out by me_at@hotmail.com on 12/30/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Winter nights are cold. Let's snuggle by the fire. That's not hot cocoa!!!!! Squeezed out by C.D. on 11/27/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Sitting on the can Giving birth to brown babies Pregnant for one day Squeezed out by cp330 on 12/10/1999 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
The poo floats desperately, Attempting to stay adrift the smeared tissue; Go down, god dammit! Squeezed out by TeaM GiMP on 02/16/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
What is golden brown And never carries a frown Tasty Diarrhea Squeezed out by Ramiro Franco on 03/06/2001 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Morning dew on grass. Bare feet, wet, free, and running. Until the dog poo. Squeezed out by Ronnie on 01/13/2000 Diagnosis is Haiku Rating: | Rate this rhyme Postcard: Send this rhyme to a friend
Copyright LiquidPoop.com, All Rights Reserved. For a limited time only. Not valid where you live. I have a chicklet toenail. So then the nun says, 'Pass the avacado.' Ken helped.